The use of a novel gradient heat flux sensor for characterization of reflux condensation
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- Journal Article
In this paper we present the developments in heat flux measurements using gradient heat flux sensors (GHFS). The GHFS is a sensor made of artificially created material with anisotropic thermo-electrical properties. Its properties including small size, robustness and low response time make it a valuable addition for characterizing heat flux in space-limited geometries as well as harsh environmental conditions. This makes it ideal for investigation of reflux condensation in the steam generator tubes of a pressurized water reactor. The reflux condenser mode of operation during accident as well as maintenance conditions can provide a significant passive cooling, removing the residual decay heat from the reactor core, thus preventing or at least delaying potential core uncovery. With this novel implementation of GHFS deeper characterization of heat flux during reflux condensation was achieved. Show more
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Nuclear Engineering and DesignVolume
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