Development and long-term dynamics of old-growth beech-fir forests in the Pyrenees: Evidence from dendroecology and dynamic vegetation modelling
Ecological knowledge on long-term forest dynamics and development has been primarily derived from the study of old-growth forests. Centuries of forest management have decreased the extent of temperate old-growth forests in Europe and altered managed forests. Disentangling the effects of past human disturbances and climate on current species composition is crucial for understanding the long-term development of forests under global change. In this study, we investigated disturbance and recruitment dynamics in two forests in the Western Pyrenees (Spain) with contrasting management history: an old-growth forest and a long-untouched forest, both dominated by the two shade-tolerant species Fagus sylvatica (European beech) and Abies alba (Silver fir). We used dendroecological methods in seven plots to analyse forest structure, growth patterns and disturbance histories in these forests. We benchmarked these data with the dynamic vegetation model ForClim to examine the effects of natural and human-induced disturbances on forest development, structure and species composition. Disturbance regimes differed between the study forests, but none showed evidence of stand replacing disturbances, either natural or human induced. Low disturbance rates and continuous recruitment of beech and fir dominated the old-growth forest over the last 400 years. In contrast, the long-untouched forest was intensively disturbed in 1700–1780, probably by logging, with lower natural disturbance rates thereafter. Beech and fir recruitment preferentially occurred after more intense disturbances, despite the high shade tolerance of both beech and fir. Higher fir abundance in the long-untouched forest than in the old-growth forest appeared to be related to its human-induced disturbances. ForClim closely simulated forest potential natural vegetation with a dominance of beech over fir, but overestimated the presence of less shade-tolerant species. Previously observed local fir decline may result from natural forest successional processes after logging. Within ∼200 years after logging cessation, some long-untouched forest structural attributes converged towards old-growth forest, but legacy effects still affected species composition and structure. Natural disturbance regimes in beech-fir forests of the Western Pyrenees induce temporal fluctuations between beech and fir abundance, with a natural tendency for beech dominance in advanced developmental stages with low disturbance rates. Show more
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Forest Ecology and ManagementVolume
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Dendroecology; Disturbance; Fagus-Abies; Forest biomass; Stand dynamics; Recruitment dynamics; Species coexistence; Temperate forestOrganisational unit
03535 - Bugmann, Harald / Bugmann, Harald
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