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- Journal Article
Long-term and maintenance-free operation is a critical feature for large-scale deployed battery-operated sensor nodes. Energy harvesting (EH) is the most promising technology to overcome the energy bottleneck of today's sensors and to enable the vision of perpetual operation. However, relying on fluctuating environmental energy requires an application-specific analysis of the energy statistics combined with an in-depth characterization of circuits and algorithms, making design and verification complex. This article presents a model-based design (MBD) approach for EH-enabled devices accounting for the dynamic behavior of components in the power generation, conversion, storage, and discharge paths. The extension of existing compact models combined with data-driven statistical modeling of harvesting circuits allows accurate offline analysis, verification, and validation. The presented approach facilitates application-specific optimization during the development phase and reliable long-term evaluation combined with environmental datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy and flexibility of this approach: the model verification of a solar-powered wireless sensor node shows a determination coefficient (R2) of 0.992, resulting in an energy error of only -1.57 % between measurement and simulation. Compared to state-of-practice methods, the MBD approach attains a reduction of the estimated state-of-charge error of up to 10.2 % in a real-world scenario. MBD offers non-trivial insights on critical design choices: the analysis of the storage element selection reveals a 2–3 times too high self-discharge per capacity ratio for supercapacitors and a peak current constrain for lithium-ion polymer batteries. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
Energy Conversion and ManagementBand
Seiten / Artikelnummer
Energy harvesting; Energy neutrality; Model-based design (MBD); Virtual prototyping; Internet of things (IoT); SimulationOrganisationseinheit
03996 - Benini, Luca / Benini, Luca
01225 - D-ITET Zentr. f. projektbasiertes Lernen / D-ITET Center for Project-Based Learning