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- Journal Article
Despite their successful applications in practice for over a century, the design of concrete hinges still entails considerable modeling uncertainty. Their dimensioning still relies on semi-empirical recommendations originally proposed for admissible stress design, based on limited experimental data and generalized with engineering judgment. This presumably results in overly conservative designs in many cases, particularly when applied with modern design codes based on partial safety factors. This paper addresses these issues by revisiting the analytical modeling for one-way Freyssinet concrete hinges under general loading based on approaches compatible with current design codes. A cross-sectional analysis with confined concrete properties is proposed for the behavior under axial forces and bending moments, where the strength of the triaxially compressed concrete in the hinge throat is determined with a discontinuous stress field. The hinge resistance to shear forces is investigated with failure mechanisms inspired by failure modes observed in experiments. Based on the shear strength, a simple approach to estimate the torsional resistance of the throat is proposed. Remarks are also made on the analysis of combined actions. The predictions of the proposed models are validated against a wide range of test data, including a series of recently conducted own experiments. Overall, the proposed models agree better with the available experimental data than the existing approaches, potentially allowing for a more efficient design of new and assessment of existing concrete hinges. Show more
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Structural ConcreteVolume
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Confined concrete; Freyssinet hinge; one-way concrete hinge; Failure mechanism; Shear; Stress field; TorsionOrganisational unit
09469 - Kaufmann, Walter / Kaufmann, Walter
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