When Blockchain Creates Shareholder Value: Empirical Evidence from International Firm Announcements
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- Journal Article
Blockchain is a prominently discussed technology in operations and supply chain management and firms increasingly engage in blockchain initiatives. Yet, an understanding of the technology's financial value remains elusive. Based on 175 firm announcements between 2015 and 2019, we conduct an international event study to estimate the impact of blockchain initiatives on the market value of the firm. We empirically demonstrate that blockchain announcements are associated with a significant average abnormal return of 0.30% on the announcement day, and that there are indications of positive long-term effects on shareholder value. We further demonstrate how blockchain use case, project, and firm characteristics affect the stock market reaction. Specifically, we find that the stock market reaction to blockchain announcements is less positive when blockchain is used to trace physical objects or to share sensitive data, providing empirical evidence for the risk associated with current challenges in the design of blockchain use cases. Our results also suggest that the involvement of an external information technology service provider in a blockchain project attenuates the positive stock market reaction. Interestingly, more innovative firms do not experience a stronger stock market reaction to blockchain announcements. Leveraging the international scope of our sample, we further shed light on how the firm's competitive (i.e., industry factors) and macro environment (i.e., country factors) affect the stock market reaction. Our findings indicate that the industry's R&D intensity and the country's data restriction level play a crucial role in driving the value attributed to blockchain initiatives. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
Production and Operations ManagementBand
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Production and Operations Management SocietyThema
blockchain; information technology; stock market reaction; event studyOrganisationseinheit
03813 - Wagner, Stephan M. / Wagner, Stephan M.