MCTDH-X: The multiconfigurational time-dependent hartree method for indistinguishable particles high-performance computation project
This report introduces the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method for indistinguishable particles (MCTDH-X) high performance computation project and its recent research results. We solved the many-particle Schrodinger equation for time-dependent and time-independent systems using the software implementations of theories in the MCTDH-X family on high-performance computation facilities. Going beyond the commonly applied semi-classical and mean-field pictures, we unveil fascinating and fundamental many-body physics in the correlated electron dynamics within the photoionization of neon, ultracold bosons' hierarchical superfluidity in a cavity, as well as the dynamics of fragmentation, entropy, angular momentum, correlations, and fluctuations of interacting bosons and fermions in one-and two-dimensional double-well potentials. Our present report illustrates how the computational resources at the HLRS for our MCTDH-X applications enabled and boosted our scientific research productivity in the field of many-body physics. Show more
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High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’20Pages / Article No.
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