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- Journal Article
Earth orientation parameters (EOPs) are essential in geodesy, linking the terrestrial and celestial reference frames. Due to the time needed for data processing and combining different space geodetic techniques, EOPs of the highest quality suffer latencies from several days to several weeks. However, real-time EOPs are needed for multiple geodetic and geophysical applications. Predictions of EOPs in the ultra-short term can overcome the latency of EOP products to a certain extent. Traditionally, predictions are performed using statistical methods. With the rapid expansion of computing capacity and data volume, the application of deep learning in geodesy has become increasingly promising in recent years. In particular, the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks, one of the most popular Recurrent Neural Network varieties, are promising for geodetic time series prediction. In this study, we investigate the potential of using LSTM to predict daily length of day (LOD) variations up to ten days in advance, accounting for the contribution of effective angular momentum (EAM). The data are first preprocessed to obtain residuals by combining physical and statistical models. Then, we employ LSTM networks to predict the LOD residuals using both LOD and EAM residuals as input features. Our methods outperform all other state-of-the-art methods in the first eight days with an improvement of up to 43% under the first EOP Prediction Comparison Campaign conditions. In addition, we assess the performance of LOD predictions using more extended time series to consider the improvements of EOP products over the last decade. The results show that extending data volume significantly increases the performance of the methods. Show more
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Journal of GeodesyVolume
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Earth orientation parameters (EOPs); Length of day (LOD); Long short-term memory (LSTM); Deep learning; Hybrid modeling; Time series predictionOrganisational unit
09707 - Soja, Benedikt / Soja, Benedikt
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