Thermal Error Compensation Models Utilizing the Power Consumption of Machine Tools
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- Conference Paper
ETH Bibliography
Thermal errors are among the most significant contributors to deviations of products manufactured on modern machine tools (MTs). Reducing them is typically achieved through either design adaptation, active cooling of the MT and its environment, or compensation using measurements or model-based predictions. Model-based compensation strategies promise to have the lowest environmental footprint by far. In general, a compensation model needs to be accurate, robust to changing boundary conditions and must require only minimal experimental efforts as this reduces the productivity of the MT. Model inputs such as temperature measurements or the power consumption of various components, can be used to predict the thermal errors. The temperature inputs require additional sensors, effort and cost for the MT manufacturer to install and ensure up-time while the power consumption could be logged and are typically provided from the control system anyway. Adaptive compensation models are created using four different sets of inputs consisting of 13 temperature sensors and 7 power measurements. While the best results were obtained with all 20 inputs, the 7 energy recordings give similar results as the 13 temperature sensors if the environmental temperature is considered. The volumetric RMSE was reduced by 72% and the maximal error from 32.75 µm to 9.5 µm. ARX models proved to be suitable and even outperform more complex model structures such as LSTM and especially those without time dependency such as feed forward neural networks. Show more
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3rd International Conference on Thermal Issues in Machine Tools (ICTIMT2023)Pages / Article No.
Thermal errors; Machine tools; Compensation; Power consumption; Temperature measurementOrganisational unit
09706 - Bambach, Markus / Bambach, Markus
02623 - Inst. f. Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigung / Inst. Machine Tools and Manufacturing
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