Confinement of Fractional Excitations in a Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet
High-resolution neutron and THz spectroscopies are used to study the magnetic excitation spectrum of Cs$_2$CoBr$_4$, a distorted-triangular-lattice antiferromagnet with nearly $XY$-type anisotropy. What was previously thought of as a broad excitation continuum [L. Facheris et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 087201 (2022)] is shown to be a series of dispersive bound states reminiscent of “Zeeman ladders” in quasi-one-dimensional Ising systems. At wave vectors where interchain interactions cancel at the mean field level, they can indeed be interpreted as bound finite-width kinks in individual chains. Elsewhere in the Brillouin zone their true two-dimensional structure and propagation are revealed. Mehr anzeigen
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Physical Review LettersBand
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American Physical SocietyOrganisationseinheit
03855 - Zheludev, Andrey / Zheludev, Andrey
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