Development of a high strength, high stiffness metal-based biodegradable material
The open foramen ovale, a birth defect in the heart, currently endangers more than 300¿000 patients per year worldwide. CARAG has recently developed an implantable device that can
remediate the defect with minimal invasion in the body. The function of the device, however, is achieved after a period of maximal two years. Thus it would be highly desirable to create a
product that automatically dissolves without any traces after the specified period to eliminate any potential long term health hazards. In this project novel biodegradable metal base
materials will be developed that exhibit simultaneously the following properties: high strength, ductility and high stiffness. This unique combination of properties will be achieved by a
combination of materials development and design optimization. Mehr anzeigen
Kommission für Technologie und InnovationOrganisationseinheit
03692 - Spolenak, Ralph / Spolenak, Ralph
Projektnummer 8224.1. 2 LSPP-LS.ETH Bibliographie