Forest-floor greenhouse gas fluxes in a subalpine spruce forest: Continuous multi-year measurements, drivers, and budgets

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- Working Paper
ETH Bibliographie
Forest ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon (C) budget by sequestering a large fraction of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and by acting as important methane (CH4) sinks. The forest-floor greenhouse gas (GHG; CO2, CH4 and nitrous oxide N2O) flux, i.e., from soil and understory vegetation, is one of the major components to consider when determining the C budget of forests. Although winter fluxes are essential to determine the annual C budget, only very few studies have examined long-term, year-round forest-floor GHG fluxes. Thus, we aimed to i) quantify the seasonal and annual variations of forest-floor GHG fluxes; ii) evaluate their drivers, including the effects of snow cover, timing, and amount of snow melt, and iii) calculate annual budgets of forest-floor GHG fluxes for a subalpine spruce forest in Switzerland. We measured GHG fluxes year-round during four years with four automatic large chambers at the ICOS Class 1 Ecosystem station Davos (CH-Dav). We applied random forest models to investigate environmental drivers and to gap-fill the flux time series. Annual and seasonal forest-floor CO2 emissions responded most strongly to soil temperature and snow depth (2.34±0.20 kg CO2 m-2 yr-1). No response of forest-floor CO2 emissions to leaf area index or photosynthetic photon flux density was observed, suggesting a strong direct control of environmental factors and a weak or even lacking indirect control of canopy biology. Furthermore, the forest-floor was a consistent CH4 sink (-19.1±1.8 g CO2-eq m-2 yr-1), with annual fluxes driven mainly by snow depth. Fluxes during winter were less important for the CO2 budget (6.0–7.3 %), while they contributed substantially to the annual CH4 budget (14.4–18.4 %). N2O fluxes were very low, negligible for the forest-floor GHG budget at our site. In 2022, the warmest year on record with also below-average precipitation at the Davos site, we observed a substantial increase in forest-floor CO2 emissions compared to other years. The mean forest-floor GHG budget indicated emissions of 2317±200 g CO2-eq m-2 yr-1 (mean±standard deviation over four years), with CO2 fluxes dominating and CH4 offsetting a small proportion (0.8 %) of the GHG budget. Due to the relevance of snow cover, we recommend year-round measurements of GHG fluxes with high temporal resolution. In a future with increasing temperatures and less snow cover due to climate change, we expect increased forest-floor CO2 emissions even at this subalpine site, with negative effects on its carbon sink behaviour. Mehr anzeigen
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Zeitschrift / Serie
03648 - Buchmann, Nina / Buchmann, Nina
148992 - ICOS-CH: Integrated Carbon Observation System in Switzerland (SNF)
173691 - ICOS-CH Phase 2 (SNF)
198227 - ICOS-CH Phase 3 (SNF)
197357 - COS and below-canopy CO2 fluxes of two Swiss forests: understanding land-atmosphere ecosystem exchange (COCO) (SNF)
ETH Bibliographie