A novel model is presented that accounts for amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in super-luminescent light-emitting diodes (SLEDs) and semiconductor optical amplifiers. This model is implemented into an existing device simulator. Stimulated carrier recombination due to ASE is the mechanism that couples the electronic and the optical problems and self-consistency is guaranteed by accounting for this interaction. Based on this model, coupled electro-optical simulations (2D) are carried out to investigate the impact of quantum well carrier transport and material gain on the spectral emission properties of SLEDs. Simulated LI-curves and ASE spectra are compared to measurements. Various InP-based SLEDs with multiple quantum well active regions operating around 1300 nm are used as benchmark devices. The good agreement between simulation and measurement for different device designs demonstrates the model's validity. Show more
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2006 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Semiconductor Optoelectronic DevicesPages / Article No.
Organisational unit
03675 - Witzigmann, Bernd
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