Modern machine learning models use an ever-increasing number of parameters to train (175 × 109 parameters for GPT-3) with large datasets to achieve better performance. Optical computing has been rediscovered as a potential solution for large-scale data processing, taking advantage of linear optical accelerators that perform operations at lower power consumption. However, to achieve efficient computing with light, it remains a challenge to create and control nonlinearity optically rather than electronically. In this study, a reservoir computing approach (RC) is investigated using a 14-mm waveguide in LiNbO3 on an insulator as an optical processor to validate the benefit of optical nonlinearity. Data are encoded on the spectrum of a femtosecond pulse, which is launched into the waveguide. The output of the waveguide is a nonlinear transform of the input, enabled by optical nonlinearities. We show experimentally that a simple digital linear classifier using the output spectrum of the waveguide increases the classification accuracy of several databases by ∼10% compared to untransformed data. In comparison, a digital neural network (NN) with tens of thousands of parameters was required to achieve similar accuracy. With the ability to reduce the number of parameters by a factor of at least 20, an integrated optical RC approach can attain a performance on a par with a digital NN. Show more
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https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000635397Publication status
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Journal / series
APL PhotonicsVolume
Pages / Article No.
American Institute of PhysicsOrganisational unit
09531 - Grange, Rachel / Grange, Rachel
179099 - Nonlinear Perovskite Nanomaterials for Metasurfaces and Integrated Photonics (SNF)
714837 - Second-Order Nano-Oxides for Enhanced Nonlinear Photonics (EC)
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