Room temperature stable E,Z-diphosphenes: their isomerization, coordination, and cycloaddition chemistry
E,Z-isomers display distinct physical properties and chemical reactivities. However, investigations on heavy main group elements remain limited. In this work, we present the isolation and X-ray crystallographic characterization of N-heterocyclic vinyl (NHV) substituted diphosphenes as both E-and Z-isomers (L= CH-P=P-CH=L, E,Z-2b; L =N-heterocyclic carbene). E-2b is thermodynamically more stable and undergoes reversible photo-stimulated isomerization to Z-2b. The less stable Z-isomer Z-2b can be thermally reverted to E-2b. Theoretical studies support the view that this E <leftwards arrow with vertical stroke> Z isomerization proceeds via P=P bond rotation, reminiscent of the isomerization observed in alkenes. Furthermore, both E,Z-2b coordinate to an AuCl fragment affording the complex [AuCl(n(2)-Z-2b)] with the diphosphene ligand in Z-conformation, exclusively. In contrast, E,Z-2b undergo [2 + 4] and [2 + 1] cycloadditions with dienes or diazo compounds, respectively, yielding identical cycloaddition products in which the phosphorus bound NHV groups are in trans-position to each other. DFT calculations provide insight into the E/Z-isomerisation and stereoselective formation of Au(I) complexes and cycloaddition products. Mehr anzeigen
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Chemical ScienceBand
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Royal Society of ChemistryOrganisationseinheit
03447 - Grützmacher, Hansjörg (emeritus) / Grützmacher, Hansjörg (emeritus)