Effect of Improving Lamphun Cattle with Black Angus on Carcass and Meat Quality
The objective of this study was to assess carcass and meat quality of Black Angus × White Lamphun (A×W) in comparison to Black Angus × Holstein Friesian (A×H) crossbred cattle. In this experiment, sixteen Angus crossbred cattle, eight from each crossbred type, were randomly selected at an average age 20-24 month for slaughter under standard condition. Slaughter weight, carcass quality and proportions of commercial prime retail cuts were determined. The Longissimus dorsi muscle (LD) was selected to evaluate meat quality. Carcass yield (proportion of live weight) was higher (P<0.01) with the A×H than the A×W crossbred. No significant differences were observed between A×H and A×W for hot and chilled carcass weight, carcass length, back fat thickness and loin eye area. The A×W crossbred was superior (P<0.05) compared with A×H in chuck, shot rib and sir loin percentage. The lightness (L*) of the LD of A×W was higher (P<0.01) and redness (a*) as well as protein content was lower (P<0.05) than in A×H. Drip loss, yellowness (b*), fat, and moisture content were not significantly different between the two crossbred types. Thiobarbitiric acid reactive substance (TBARS) levels were increased with storage period in every group, but this at a lower level with the A×W. In conclusion, A×W was superior to A×H incarcass and meat quality, with similar carcass weights at lower dressing percentage. So, promoting of A×W, is a promising first step in creating improved genotypes suitable to cover the demands of the livestock industry of Thailand at concomitantly lower production costs for the farmers. Show more
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Agriculture and Agricultural Science ProcediaVolume
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Angus; White Lamphun; Holstein Friesian; Carcass; MeatOrganisational unit
03428 - Kreuzer, Michael (emeritus) / Kreuzer, Michael (emeritus)
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