Digital solutions in paediatric sepsis: current state, challenges, and opportunities to improve care around the world
The digitisation of health care is offering the promise of transforming the management of paediatric sepsis, which is a major source of morbidity and mortality in children worldwide. Digital technology is already making an impact in paediatric sepsis, but is almost exclusively benefiting patients in high-resource health-care settings. However, digital tools can be highly scalable and cost-effective, and—with the right planning—have the potential to reduce global health disparities. Novel digital solutions, from wearable devices and mobile apps, to electronic health record-embedded decision support tools, have an unprecedented opportunity to transform paediatric sepsis research and care. In this Series paper, we describe the current state of digital solutions in paediatric sepsis around the world, the advances in digital technology that are enabling the development of novel applications, and the potential effect of advances in artificial intelligence in paediatric sepsis research and clinical care. Show more
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The Lancet Digital HealthVolume
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The LancetOrganisational unit
09847 - Moor, Michael / Moor, Michael
201060 - Derivation of pediatric sepsis phenotypes using machine learning applied to clinical, functional and genomic data from the swiss pediatric sepsis study (SNF)
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