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In today's data-centric world, fast and effective compression of data is paramount. To measure success towards the second goal, Kempa and Prezza [STOC2018] introduce the string attractor, a combinatorial object unifying dictionary-based compression. Given a string $T \in Σ^n$, a string attractor ($k$-attractor) is a set of positions $Γ\subseteq [1,n]$, such that every distinct substring (of length at most $k$) has at least one occurrence that contains one of the selected positions. String attractors are shown to be approximated by and thus measure the quality of many important dictionary compression algorithms such as Lempel-Ziv 77, the Burrows-Wheeler transform, straight line programs, and macro schemes. Show more
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Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); FOS: Computer and information sciencesOrganisational unit
09779 - Komm, Dennis / Komm, Dennis
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