Design Methodology of Camshaft Driven Charge Valves for Pneumatic Engine Starts
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- Conference Paper
ETH Bibliography
Idling losses constitute a significant amount of the fuel consumption of internal combustion engines. Therefore, shutting down the engine during idling phases can improve its overall efficiency. For driver acceptance a fast restart of the engine must be guaranteed. A fast engine start can be performed using a powerful electric starter and an appropriate battery which are found in hybrid electric vehicles, for example. However, these devices involve additional cost and weight. An alternative method is to use a tank with pressurized air that can be injected directly into the cylinders to start the engine pneumatically. In this paper, pneumatic engine starts using camshaft driven charge valves are discussed. A general methodology for an air-optimal charge valve design is presented which can deal with various requirements. The proposed design methodology is based on a process model representing pneumatic engine operation. A design example for a two-cylinder engine is shown, and the resulting optimized pneumatic start is experimentally verified on a test bench engine. The engine’s idling speed of 1200 rpm can be reached within 350 ms for an initial pressure in the air tank of 10 bar. A detailed system analysis highlights the characteristics of the optimal design found. Show more
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Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvellesVolume
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Editions TechnipEvent
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03286 - Guzzella, Lino (emeritus) / Guzzella, Lino (emeritus)
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Also published as: Méthodologie pour le design des valves de chargement opérées par arbre à cames.More
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ETH Bibliography