Über den Tagesgang im Gletscherabfluss
(1967)Veröffentlichungen der Schweizerischen Meteorologischen Zentralanstalt ~ 9. Internationale Tagung für alpine MeteorologieDer Zusammenhang zwischen dem Tagesgang im Schmelzwasserabluss und den wichtigsten meteorologischen Grössen im Wärmehaushalt ist nur in einem kleinen Abflussgebiet auf dem Gletscher selbst unmittelbar erkennbar; deshalb lehnt sich dort der Schmelzwasserabfluss eng an die Globalstrahlung an. An einer Ablussmesstelle unterhalb des Gletschers dagegen ist der mittlere Tagesgang im Abfluss zum Temperaturgang besser korreliert als zur ...Conference Paper -
Neuere Entwicklungen im Bau von Staudämmen und der Mattmark-Damm
(1964)Schweizerische Bauzeitung = Revue polytechnique suisseConference Paper -
Determination of organic matter for the classification of soil samples
(1965)Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation EngineeringThe organic matter in 53 samples, which according to U.S.C.S. classification should contain organic material, was determined by the wet combustion methods of Schollenberger, and Walkley and Black. It was desired to show whether an estimate of the amount of organic substance in soil could be obtained from the sodium hydroxide test and whether a relationship existed between the sodium hydroxide test and the displacement of the Attenberg ...Conference Paper -
Triaxial and seismic laboratory tests for stress-strain-time studies
(1965)Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation EngineeringStress-strain-time studies on granular soils were carried out using a combination of soil mechanical and geophysical methods. A normal triaxial compression apparatus for large samples (diam 25 cm) was fitted with seismic measuring equipment. An explanation is offered for discrepancies in the results obtained for elasticity moduli from quasi-static and dynamic methods, respectively.Conference Paper -
Current Aspects of Corrinoid Synthesis
(1969)Proceedings of the Robert A. Welch Foundation Conferences on Chemical Research: XII. Organic SynthesisThis lecture deals essentially with three current aspects of corrinoid synthesis: first, with the present state of the work towards a synthesis of vitamin B12 as it is proceedig in the ETH laboratories in collaboration with Prodessor Woodward's group at Harvard; second, with the feed back this B12 work has been - and still is - exerting on the general field of corrin synthesis; and finally, with one of the main lessons synthetic corrin ...Conference Paper