Work-in-Progress: Effects of Attention Guidance on Virtual Reality Training for an Industrial Assembly Task
(2023)2023 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2023) Posters & Doctoral ColloquiumOne of the main objectives of Virtual Training Environments (VTEs) for industrial training is to train workers for a real world task. Prior work identified a multitude of factors influencing a VTE’s effectiveness. In this work-in-progress paper, we add to this body of research by evaluating the effect of attention guidance (AG) on a VTE’s effectiveness. In a controlled between-subject design pilot study with 42 participants, participants ...Conference Paper -
Designing Virtual Training Environments: Does Immersion increase Task Performance?
(2020)2020 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW)One of the main characteristic of virtual reality (VR) is immersion, which leads to the creation of sophisticated illusions of reality. Accordingly, VR is already used for a wide spectrum of applications like entertainment, marketing, and training. Especially in training applications, the effect of immersion on training success is still not entirely clear, since too much immersion may cause side effects such as users experiencing high ...Conference Paper -
Virtual Reality Extension for Digital Twins of Machine Tools
(2022)Progress in IS ~ Smart Services Summit: Smart Services Supporting the New NormalDigital twins (DTs) provide numerous opportunities for value creation in manufacturing. Services enabled by DTs include remote monitoring of assets' conditions and predictive maintenance. In this paper, we introduce novel, previously unexplored services based on a fully virtualized machine tool, which are targeted at increasing machine operators' productivity. This allows conducting procedures, such as operator training at a virtual machine ...Conference Paper -
Work-in-Progress-Enhancing Training in Virtual Reality with Hand Tracking and a Real Tool
(2021)Proceedings of 2021 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN)The main goal of Virtual Training Environments(VTEs) is to maximize training success, which can be achievedby increasing the degree of immersion. While prior work mainlyfocused on the visual, auditory, and navigational aspects of im-mersion, proprioceptive aspects may be particularly important.In this work-in-progress paper, we explore this potential byimplementing an industrial VTE, which can be interacted with,using VR gloves and a ...Conference Paper -
Subtle Attention Guidance for Real Walking in Virtual Environments
(2021)2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct)Virtual reality is today being applied to an increasing number of fields such as education, industry, medicine, or gaming. Attention guidance methods are used in virtual reality to help users navigate the virtual environment without being overwhelmed by the overabundance of sensory stimuli. However, visual attention guidance methods can be overt, distracting and confusing as they often consist of artefacts placed in the center of the ...Conference Paper -
Indicators of Training Success in Virtual Reality Using Head and Eye Movements
(2021)2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct)An essential aspect in the evaluation of Virtual Training Environments (VTEs) is the assessment of users’ training success, preferably in real-time, e.g. to continuously adapt the training or to provide feedback. To achieve this, leveraging users’ behavioral data has been shown to be a valid option. Behavioral data include sensor data from eye trackers, head-mounted displays, and hand-held controllers, as well as semantic data like a ...Conference Paper -
Virtual Learning Environment for an Industrial Assembly Task
(2019)In this paper, we present a virtual learning Environment for an industrial assembly task, which combines an easy-to-use interaction with an intuitive user experience. It is shown that such a virtual environment can be used for initial Training to introduce tasks to new employees, but also experts may Benefit from advanced training in case of new products, or new Assembly routines. Consequently, this application was validated twice. First, ...Conference Paper -
Comparing Mixed Reality Hand Gestures to Artificial Instruction Means for Small Target Objects
(2023)Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ~ Proceedings of Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication TechnologyHand gestures are a valuable means for the instruction of complex handling processes. They are used and perceived in an intuitive way and outperform artificial representations such as arrows or symbols. On the other hand, referring finger gestures require a certain object size to avoid ambiguities, and often they are replaced by artificial means. However, this comes to the cost of reduced intuition due to the change of a hand gesture to ...Conference Paper