Comparative Evaluation of Soft-Switching, Bidirectional, Isolated AC/DC Converter Topologies
(2012)2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)For realizing bidirectional and isolated AC/DC converters, soft-switching techniques/topologies seem to be a favourable choice as they enable a further loss and volume reduction of the system. Contrary to the traditional dual-stage approach, using a power factor corrector (PFC) stage in series with a DC/DC isolation stage, we showed recently that the same functionality can be achieved under full soft-switching operation using a single-stage ...Conference Paper -
Switching Control Strategy for Full ZVS Soft-Switching Operation of a Dual Active Bridge AC/DC Converter
(2012)2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)A switching control strategy to enable Zero-Voltage-Switching (ZVS) over the entire input-voltage interval and the full power range of a single-stage Dual Active Bridge (DAB) AC/DC converter is proposed. The converter topology consists of a DAB DC/DC converter, receiving a rectified AC line voltage via a synchronous rectifier. The DAB comprises primary and secondary side full bridges, linked by a high-frequency isolation transformer and ...Conference Paper -
Design of a Minimum Weight Dual Active Bridge Converter for an Airborne Wind Turbine System
(2012)2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)The design procedure for a bidirectional DAB dc-dc converter, which provides a high dc voltage of 8kV to the tether of a 100 kW Airborne Wind Turbine (AWT) system, is presented. The maximum allowed weight of the dc-dc converter is 25 kg and, thus, the main challenge is the realization of a light-weight DAB converter. The investigated dc-dc converter is split up into 16 single DAB modules with a rated power of 6.25 kW and a dc port voltage ...Conference Paper