Indicators of Training Success in Virtual Reality Using Head and Eye Movements
(2021)2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct)An essential aspect in the evaluation of Virtual Training Environments (VTEs) is the assessment of users’ training success, preferably in real-time, e.g. to continuously adapt the training or to provide feedback. To achieve this, leveraging users’ behavioral data has been shown to be a valid option. Behavioral data include sensor data from eye trackers, head-mounted displays, and hand-held controllers, as well as semantic data like a ...Conference Paper -
Virtual Learning Environment for an Industrial Assembly Task
(2019)In this paper, we present a virtual learning Environment for an industrial assembly task, which combines an easy-to-use interaction with an intuitive user experience. It is shown that such a virtual environment can be used for initial Training to introduce tasks to new employees, but also experts may Benefit from advanced training in case of new products, or new Assembly routines. Consequently, this application was validated twice. First, ...Conference Paper