Subtle Attention Guidance for Real Walking in Virtual Environments
(2021)2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct)Virtual reality is today being applied to an increasing number of fields such as education, industry, medicine, or gaming. Attention guidance methods are used in virtual reality to help users navigate the virtual environment without being overwhelmed by the overabundance of sensory stimuli. However, visual attention guidance methods can be overt, distracting and confusing as they often consist of artefacts placed in the center of the ...Conference Paper -
Virtual Learning Environment for an Industrial Assembly Task
(2019)In this paper, we present a virtual learning Environment for an industrial assembly task, which combines an easy-to-use interaction with an intuitive user experience. It is shown that such a virtual environment can be used for initial Training to introduce tasks to new employees, but also experts may Benefit from advanced training in case of new products, or new Assembly routines. Consequently, this application was validated twice. First, ...Conference Paper