Bayesian inversion for the calibration of fire experiments on insulation panels
(2019)Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems: Proceedings of the 19th IFIP WG-7.5 conference on Reliability and Optimization of Structural SystemsIn the setting of structural design for fire hazards the simulation of thermal transport in insulation panels is of great interest. The use of such simulation tools initially requires the calibration of the underlying heat transport models and the temperature-dependent specific heat capacity, conductivity and density. We herein outline an approach for the calibration of a finite element model (FEM), describing heat ...Conference Paper -
Adaptive Kriging Strategy for Risk Optimization with Time-Dependent Reliability
(2019)Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems: Proceedings of the 19th IFIP WG-7.5 conference on Reliability and Optimization of Structural SystemsIn structural design, increasing the safety of structural systems usually implies additional costs, and sometimes cost savings can result in jeopardized safety. The Risk Optimization (RO) approach allows the designer to account for these conflicting goals, but not much has been proposed for the solution of such problems, particularly when the problem involves time-dependent reliability analysis. This paper presents a novel strategy for ...Conference Paper -
A Novel Seismic Structural Testing Protocol Based on Hybrid Simulation, Kriging and Active Learning: Methodology and Numerical Examples
(2019)Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems: Proceedings of the 19th IFIP WG-7.5 conference on Reliability and Optimization of Structural SystemsThis paper presents a seismic structural testing protocol intended to maximize the relevance of benchmarks for model validation and calibration obtained via hybrid simulation experiments, by maximizing model discrepancy evaluated against an ab initio computational simulator. A probabilistic model of the ground motion excitation is used to parametrize the operational range of the emulated structure and Kriging surrogate modeling is extensively ...Conference Paper -
Probabilistic LCA and LCC to identify robust and reliable renovation strategies
(2019)IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science ~ Proceedings of the 2019 Sustainable Built Environment Conference (SBE19)Buildings are one of the largest energy consumers and greenhouse gas emitters in the world. As the largest part of the energy consumed by the existing non-insulated buildings occurs during the operation stage, retrofitting the building stock is crucial to reduce the environmental impact. To guarantee that the retrofit measures provide economic and environmental benefits, the whole life cycle should be assessed. However, the identification ...Conference Paper -
Compressive polynomial chaos expansion for multi-dimensional model maps
(2015)Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP12), Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15Conference Paper -
UQLab: a framework for uncertainty quantification in MATLAB
(2014)Vulnerability, Uncertainty, and Risk. Quantification, Mitigation, and ManagementConference Paper -
Propagation of uncertainties modelled by parametric p-boxes using sparse polynomial chaos expansions
(2015)Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP12), Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15.Conference Paper -
Adaptive Kriging reliability-based design optimization of an automotive body structure under crashworthiness constraints
(2015)Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP12), Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15Conference Paper -
UQLab: Une plate-forme pour la quantification des incertitudes sous Matlab
(2014)Proceedings : 8èmes Journées Fiabilité des Matériaux et des Structures, Aix-en-Provence, FranceConference Paper