Flying corrosion inspection robot for corrosion monitoring of civil structures – First results
(2019)SMAR 2019 - Fifth Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures - ProgramPotential mapping permits an early detection of corrosion and has major advantages over a purely visual condition assessment. The current manner of assessing the corrosion state of reinforced concrete structures with potential mapping is limited due to the lack of accessibility, leading to high involvement of manpower and finally to high inspection costs. A main challenge in the coming decades will be the assessment of our ageing ...Conference Paper -
Generative Object Detection and Tracking in 3D Range Data
(2012)2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and AutomationThis paper presents a novel approach to tracking dynamic objects in 3D range data. Its key contribution lies in the generative object detection algorithm which allows the tracker to robustly extract objects of varying sizes and shapes from the observations. In contrast to tracking methods using discriminative detectors, we are thus able to generalize over a wide range of object classes matching our assumptions. Whilst the generative model ...Conference Paper -
Incremental Object Database: Building 3D Models from Multiple Partial Observations
(2018)2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)Collecting 3D object data sets involves a large amount of manual work and is time consuming. Getting complete models of objects either requires a 3D scanner that covers all the surfaces of an object or one needs to rotate it to completely observe it. We present a system that incrementally builds a database of objects as a mobile agent traverses a scene. Our approach requires no prior knowledge of the shapes present in the scene. Object-like ...Conference Paper -
DP-Fusion: A generic framework for online multi sensor recognition
(2012)2012 IEEE Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI)Multi sensor fusion has been widely used in recognition problems. Most existing works highly depend on the calibration between different sensors, but less on modeling and reasoning of the co-incidence of multiple hints. In this paper, we propose a generic framework for recognition and clustering problem using a non-parametric Dirichlet hierarchical model, named DP-Fusion. It enables online labeling, clustering and recognition of sequential ...Conference Paper -
Versatile Distributed Pose Estimation and Sensor Self-Calibration for an Autonomous MAV
(2012)2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and AutomationIn this paper, we present a versatile framework to enable autonomous flights of a Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) which has only slow, noisy, delayed and possibly arbitrarily scaled measurements available. Using such measurements directly for position control would be practically impossible as MAVs exhibit great agility in motion. In addition, these measurements often come from a selection of different onboard sensors, hence accurate calibration ...Conference Paper -
Real-time Onboard Visual-Inertial State Estimation and Self-Calibration of MAVs in Unknown Environments
(2012)2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and AutomationThe combination of visual and inertial sensors has proved to be very popular in robot navigation and, in particular, Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) navigation due the flexibility in weight, power consumption and low cost it offers. At the same time, coping with the big latency between inertial and visual measurements and processing images in real-time impose great research challenges. Most modern MAV navigation systems avoid to explicitly ...Conference Paper -
A Robust and Modular Multi-Sensor Fusion Approach Applied to MAV Navigation
(2013)2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) : 3-7 November 2013, Tokyo, JapanConference Paper -
Scale-only Visual Homing from an Omnidirectional Camera
(2012)2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and AutomationVisual Homing is the process by which a mobile robot moves to a Home position using only information extracted from visual data. The approach we present in this paper uses image keypoints (e.g. SIFT) extracted from omnidirectional images and matches the current set of keypoints with the set recorded at the Home location. In this paper, we first formulate three different visual homing problems using uncalibrated omnidirectional camera ...Conference Paper -
Curb Detection for a Pedestrian Robot in Urban Environments
(2012)2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and AutomationIn this paper, we address the problem of curb detection for a pedestrian robot navigating in urban environments. We devise an unsupervised method that is mostly view-independent, makes no assumptions about the environment, restricts the set of hand-tuned parameters, and builds on sound probabilistic reasoning from the input data to the outcome of the algorithm. In our approach, we construct a piecewise planar model of the environment and ...Conference Paper -
(2010)Applied Robotics for the Power Industry (CARPI), 2010 1st International Conference onConference Paper