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Mit Wissen und Koffein gestärkt in den Sommer – die Coffee Lectures im Juni

Kein Durchblick im Open-​Access-Dschungel? Ein Wirrwarr in der Literaturverwaltung? Fehlende Inspiration für die Ferienlektüre? Dann besuchen Sie unsere Coffee Lectures. Sie brauchen dafür nur 15 Minuten. Weiterlesen

ETH RDM Summer School 2024 für Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen

Die ETH Research Data Management Summer School 2024 hat noch einige freie Plätze. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit und lernen Sie zwischen dem 10. und 14. Juni 2024 mehr über das Thema! Anmeldung und weitere Informationen

Coffee Lectures – das neue Programm ist da

In nur 15 Minuten: Holen Sie sich nützliche Tools und Themen, die Sie bei Ihrer täglichen Forschungsarbeit unterstützen – in den Coffee Lectures der ETH-Bibliothek. Weiterlesen

Neueste Publikationen 

  1. Leveraging Uniqueness for Modular Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs 

    Astrauskas, Vytautas (2024)
    With software‘s ever-increasing role in human lives, ensuring its correctness is crucial. Deductive software verification enables formally proving that a program is functionally correct. However, verifying imperative heap-manipulating programming languages is notoriously difficult and requires complex specifications in powerful logics like separation logic. This complexity is a major obstacle to more widespread verification of imperative ...
    Doctoral Thesis
  2. The “Dark Side” of Community Ties: Collective Action and Lynching in Mexico 

    Nussio, Enzo (2024)
    American Sociological Review
    Lynching remains a common form of collective punishment for alleged wrongdoers in Latin America, Africa, and Asia today. Unlike other kinds of collective violence, lynching is usually not carried out by standing organizations. How do lynch mobs overcome the high barriers to violent collective action? I argue that they draw on local community ties to compensate for a lack of centralized organization. Lynch mobs benefit from solidarity and ...
    Journal Article
  3. Navigating Governance of CDR Certification in the Voluntary Carbon Market: Insights and Perspectives 

    Thorsdottir, Gudrun; Hondeborg, Dianne; Wicki, Michèle; et al. (2024)
  4. Nachkriegsverschiebungen. Humanistische Rhetorik zwischen Erbe und Zensur 

    Rathjen, Lukas (2023)
    Censored? Conflicted Concepts of Cultural Heritage
    Book Chapter
  5. Continuous-Time Control Model Validation using Finite Experimental Data 

    Smith, Roy; Dullerud, Geir E. (1996)
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    Theapplicationofrobustcontroltheoryrequires models containing unknown, bounded perturbations and unknown, bounded input signals. Model validation is a means of assessing the applicability of a given model with respect to experimental data. This paper develops a theoretical framework, and a computational solution, for the model validation problem in the case where the model, including unknown perturbations and signals, is given in the ...
    Journal Article

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