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Mit Wissen und Koffein gestärkt in den Sommer – die Coffee Lectures im Juni

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ETH RDM Summer School 2024 für Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen

Die ETH Research Data Management Summer School 2024 hat noch einige freie Plätze. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit und lernen Sie zwischen dem 10. und 14. Juni 2024 mehr über das Thema! Anmeldung und weitere Informationen

Coffee Lectures – das neue Programm ist da

In nur 15 Minuten: Holen Sie sich nützliche Tools und Themen, die Sie bei Ihrer täglichen Forschungsarbeit unterstützen – in den Coffee Lectures der ETH-Bibliothek. Weiterlesen

Neueste Publikationen 

  1. Proximal protein landscapes of the type I interferon signaling cascade reveal negative regulation by PJA2 

    Schiefer S.; Hale B.G. (2024)
    Nature Communications
    Deciphering the intricate dynamic events governing type I interferon (IFN) signaling is critical to unravel key regulatory mechanisms in host antiviral defense. Here, we leverage TurboID-based proximity labeling coupled with affinity purification-mass spectrometry to comprehensively map the proximal human proteomes of all seven canonical type I IFN signaling cascade members under basal and IFN-stimulated conditions. This uncovers a network ...
    Journal Article
  2. Fossil chemical-physical (dis)equilibria between paleofluids and host rocks and their relationship to the seismic cycle and earthquakes 

    Curzi M.; Aldega L.; Billi A.; et al. (2024)
    Earth-Science Reviews
    Understanding the behavior of fluids in seismically active faults and their chemical-physical (dis)equilibrium with the host rock is important to understand the role of fluids upon seismicity and their possible potential for forecasting earthquakes. The small number of case studies where seismic and geochemical data are available and the lack of accessibility to fault zones at seismogenic depth for recent earthquakes limit our understanding ...
    Review Article
  3. Using topic modeling to unravel the nuanced effects of built environment on bicycle-metro integrated usage 

    Bi H.; Gao H.; Li A.; et al. (2024)
    Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
    Bicycle-metro integration, in which bicycling is used as a flexible feeder mode to connect with public transport nodes presents new opportunities for sustainable transportation. It is known that the built environment can influence travel attitudes and choice, yet the empirical evidence for the role of built environment features in shaping the bicycle-metro integration remains rare. Inspired by the idea of text mining, this article is an ...
    Journal Article

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