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Coffee Lectures – das neue Programm ist da

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Neueste Publikationen 

  1. Dissecting cell membrane tension dynamics and its effect on Piezo1-mediated cellular mechanosensitivity using force-controlled nanopipettes 

    Luechtefeld, Ines; Pivkin, Igor V.; Gardini, Lucia; et al. (2024)
    Nature Methods
    The dynamics of cellular membrane tension and its role in mechanosensing, which is the ability of cells to respond to physical stimuli, remain incompletely understood, mainly due to the lack of appropriate tools. Here, we report a force-controlled nanopipette-based method that combines fluidic force microscopy with fluorescence imaging for precise manipulation of the cellular membrane tension while monitoring the impact on single-cell ...
    Journal Article
  2. Ramsey numbers of sparse digraphs 

    Fox, Jacob; He, Xiaoyu; Wigderson, Yuval (2024)
    Israel Journal of Mathematics
    Burr and Erd & odblac;s in 1975 conjectured, and Chv & aacute;tal, R & ouml;dl, Szemer & eacute;di and Trotter later proved, that the Ramsey number of any bounded degree graph is linear in the number of vertices. In this paper, we disprove the natural directed analogue of the Burr-Erd & odblac;s conjecture, answering a question of Buci & cacute;, Letzter, and Sudakov. If H is an acyclic digraph, the oriented Ramsey number of H, denoted ...
    Journal Article
  3. A Logarithmic Bound for Simultaneous Embeddings of Planar Graphs 

    Steiner, Raphael (2024)
    Discrete & Computational Geometry
    A set G \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathcal {G}}$$\end{document} of planar graphs on the same number n of vertices is called simultaneously embeddable if there exists a set P of n points in the plane such that every graph G is an element ...
    Journal Article
  4. Novel temperatures are already widespread beneath the world's tropical forest canopies 

    Trew, Brittany T.; Edwards, David P.; Lees, Alexander C.; et al. (2024)
    Tropical forest biodiversity is potentially at high risk from climate change, but most species reside within or below the canopy, where they are buffered from extreme temperatures. Here, by modelling the hourly below-canopy climate conditions of 300,000 tropical forest locations globally between 1990 and 2019, we show that recent small increases in below-canopy temperature (<1 degrees C) have led to highly novel temperature regimes across ...
    Journal Article

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