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Mit Wissen und Koffein gestärkt in den Sommer – die Coffee Lectures im Juni

Kein Durchblick im Open-​Access-Dschungel? Ein Wirrwarr in der Literaturverwaltung? Fehlende Inspiration für die Ferienlektüre? Dann besuchen Sie unsere Coffee Lectures. Sie brauchen dafür nur 15 Minuten. Weiterlesen

ETH RDM Summer School 2024 für Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen

Die ETH Research Data Management Summer School 2024 hat noch einige freie Plätze. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit und lernen Sie zwischen dem 10. und 14. Juni 2024 mehr über das Thema! Anmeldung und weitere Informationen

Coffee Lectures – das neue Programm ist da

In nur 15 Minuten: Holen Sie sich nützliche Tools und Themen, die Sie bei Ihrer täglichen Forschungsarbeit unterstützen – in den Coffee Lectures der ETH-Bibliothek. Weiterlesen

Neueste Publikationen 

  1. DVIO - Distributed Visual-Inertial Odometry in a Multi-user Environment 

    Zhang, Juyi; Lutfallah, Mathieu; Kunz, Andreas (2024)
    2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)
    Head-mounted displays typically use a visual-inertial odometry system, which relies on the headset’s camera combined with Inertial Measurement Units. While effective, this setup fails if the camera is obstructed or if the environments lacks features. Traditional recalibration methods like place recognition often fall short in such settings. Addressing this, the paper proposes a novel distributed tracking method that uses the positions of ...
    Other Conference Item
  2. Implementation of the Serbian Law on Dual Education 2023-2024 

    Renold, Ursula; Caves, Katherine Marie; Zubovic, Amela; et al. (2024)
    CES Studies
  3. Multimodality and Sustainable Transport 

    Mattioli, Giulio; Heinen, Eva (2020)
    Studien zur Mobilitäts- und Verkehrsforschung ~ Mobilität, Erreichbarkeit, Raum
    Sustainable transport research and policy making currently identify multimodality as an important way to reduce carbon emissions and other negative transport externalities. This emphasis is consistent with the ‘behaviour change agenda’ for sustainable mobility, which places responsibility for changing behaviour on ‘citizen-consumers’, while policy makers help them make ‘better’ modal choices, rather than introducing regulatory or pricing ...
    Book Chapter
  4. Impact of Settlement Size and Regional Density on the Frequency of Different Holiday Types 

    Scheffler, Tanja; Heinen, Eva (2024)
    Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
    Despite its contribution to climate change, holiday travel has received less attention in research than daily travel. Research has revealed that individuals residing in dense and large settlements tend to travel more frequently and over longer distances. Whether this is attributable to compensation for shortcomings of dense cities or a reflection of lifestyle is still inconclusive, yet important to uncover for formulating mitigation ...
    Journal Article
  5. What can urban transport policy achieve? 

    Wachter, Isabelle; Holz-Rau, Christian; Heinen, Eva (2024)
    Most case and comparative studies discuss urban characteristics that can hardly be influenced by urban transport policies. However, these studies do not quantify the impact of the so-called contextual factors on car ownership and car use. This paper focuses on these contextual factors and their associations with car ownership and car use. Regression models show that contextual factors - such as city size, the share of households with ...
    Journal Article

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