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ETH RDM Summer School 2024 für Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen

Die ETH Research Data Management Summer School 2024 hat noch einige freie Plätze. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit und lernen Sie zwischen dem 10. und 14. Juni 2024 mehr über das Thema! Anmeldung und weitere Informationen

Coffee Lectures – das neue Programm ist da

In nur 15 Minuten: Holen Sie sich nützliche Tools und Themen, die Sie bei Ihrer täglichen Forschungsarbeit unterstützen – in den Coffee Lectures der ETH-Bibliothek. Weiterlesen

Fit im Forschungsdatenmanagement – Workshop-Reihe im Frühjahrssemester 2024

Machen Sie sich und Ihr Forschungsprojekt fit mit unserem Workshop-​Angebot zum Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement. Ab sofort können Sie sich für die Workshops im Frühjahrssemester 2024 anmelden. Weiterlesen

Neueste Publikationen 

  1. Neural LiDAR Fields for Novel View Synthesis 

    Huang, Shengyu; Gojcic, Zan; Wang, Zian; et al. (2023)
    We present Neural Fields for LiDAR (NFL), a method to optimise a neural field scene representation from LiDAR measurements, with the goal of synthesizing realistic LiDAR scans from novel viewpoints. NFL combines the rendering power of neural fields with a detailed, physically motivated model of the LiDAR sensing process, thus enabling it to accurately reproduce key sensor behaviors like beam divergence, secondary returns, and ray dropping. ...
    Conference Paper
  2. On connectivity in random graph models with limited dependencies 

    Lengler, Johannes; Martinsson, Anders; Petrova, Kalina; et al. (2024)
    Random Structures & Algorithms
    We consider random graph models in which the events describing the inclusion of potential edges have to be independent of each other if the corresponding edges are non-adjacent and ask: what is the minimum probability rho(n), such that for any distribution G (in this model) on graphs with n vertices in which each potential edge has a marginal probability of being present at least rho(n), a graph drawn from G is connected with non-zero ...
    Journal Article
  3. P1AC: Revisiting Absolute Pose From a Single Affine Correspondence 

    Ventura, Jonathan; Kukelova, Zuzana; Sattler, Torsten; et al. (2023)
    Affine correspondences have traditionally been used to improve feature matching over wide baselines. While recent work has successfully used affine correspondences to solve various relative camera pose estimation problems, less attention has been given to their use in absolute pose estimation. We introduce the first general solution to the problem of estimating the pose of a calibrated camera given a single observation of an oriented point ...
    Conference Paper
  4. Verification of the presence of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) in fresh concrete: results of an interlaboratory study of RILEM TC 260-RSC 

    Wyrzykowski, Mateusz; Schroefl, Christof; Toropovs, Nikolajs; et al. (2024)
    New methods are proposed for the verification of the presence of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) in freshly mixed concrete and estimation of SAP quantity. The methods are in general based on flushing concrete with excess water. They allow separating the light, water-sorbed hydrogel particles from the mineral components in the fresh concrete and making these particles available for further tests. Two types of tests are proposed: Test 1 serves ...
    Journal Article
  5. SGAligner: 3D Scene Alignment with Scene Graphs 

    Sarkar, Sayan Deb; Miksik, Ondrej; Pollefeys, Marc; et al. (2023)
    Building 3D scene graphs has recently emerged as a topic in scene representation for several embodied AI applications to represent the world in a structured and rich manner. With their increased use in solving downstream tasks (e.g., navigation and room rearrangement), can we leverage and recycle them for creating 3D maps of environments, a pivotal step in agent operation? We focus on the fundamental problem of aligning pairs of 3D scene ...
    Conference Paper

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