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Webinar: Schreibprojekte starten, Plagiate verhindern und publizieren

Tipps und Tools für einen produktiven Alltag im Doktorat erhalten Sie in unserem Webinar am 01. Oktober 2024 von 16.00 bis 17.15 Uhr. Weiterlesen

Fit im Forschungsdatenmanagement – Workshop-Reihe im Herbstsemester 2024

Machen Sie sich und Ihr Forschungsprojekt fit mit unserem Workshop-Angebot zum Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement. Ab sofort können Sie sich für die Workshops im Herbstsemester 2024 anmelden. Weiterlesen

Die «RDM Guidelines» für ETH-Forschende kurz und verständlich erklärt

In mehreren Kurzvideos erklären wir Ihnen die wichtigsten Aspekte der «RDM Guidelines» schnell und unkompliziert – für eine gute wissenschaftliche Praxis und FAIRe Daten. Weiterlesen

Neueste Publikationen 

  1. Functionalized Polysaccharides Improve Sensitivity of Tyramide/Peroxidase Proximity Labeling Assays through Electrostatic Interactions 

    Heiniger M.; Vanella R.; Walsh-Korb Z.; et al. (2024)
    ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering
    High-throughput assays that efficiently link genotype and phenotype with high fidelity are key to successful enzyme engineering campaigns. Among these assays, the tyramide/peroxidase proximity labeling method converts the product of an enzymatic reaction of a surface expressed enzyme to a highly reactive fluorescent radical, which labels the cell surface. In this context, maintaining the proximity of the readout reagents to the cell surface ...
    Journal Article
  2. Nanopore Deep Sequencing as a Tool to Characterize and Quantify Aberrant Splicing Caused by Variants in Inherited Retinal Dystrophy Genes 

    Maggi J.; Feil S.; Gloggnitzer J.; et al. (2024)
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences
    The contribution of splicing variants to molecular diagnostics of inherited diseases is reported to be less than 10%. This figure is likely an underestimation due to several factors including difficulty in predicting the effect of such variants, the need for functional assays, and the inability to detect them (depending on their locations and the sequencing technology used). The aim of this study was to assess the utility of Nanopore ...
    Journal Article
  3. CALDERA: a scientific drilling concept to unravel Connections Among Life, geo-Dynamics and Eruptions in a Rifting Arc caldera, Okataina Volcanic Centre, Aotearoa New Zealand 

    Massiot C.; Adam L.; Boyd E.S.; et al. (2024)
    Scientific drilling
    Silicic caldera volcanoes present major volcanic and seismic hazards but also host dynamic hydrothermal and groundwater systems and a rich but largely unexplored subsurface biosphere. Many of these volcanoes are hosted in rift settings. The intricate connections and feedbacks among magmatism, rifting, hydrothermal processes, and the biosphere in these complex systems remain poorly understood, necessitating subsurface joint observations ...
    Conference Paper
  4. Towards a Sustainable 3D-Concrete-Printed Architecture: Assemblies, Detailing and Ornamentation 

    Anton, Ana; Dillenburger, Benjamin (2024)
    Architectural Design
    Given the long history of columns in the languages and lexicons of architecture, they are the ideal building elements with which to experiment in the pursuit of 3D-printed concrete. Ana Anton and Benjamin Dillenburger of the Chair for Digital Building Technologies at ETH Zurich reveal how new technologies can produce sinuous filigree structures that are unachievable with conventional casting approaches, and also offer more advantages.
    Journal Article
  5. Crustal carbonate build-up as a driver for Earth's oxygenation 

    Alcott, Lewis J.; Walton, Craig; Planavsky, Noah J.; et al. (2024)
    Nature Geoscience
    Oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere and oceans played a pivotal role in the evolution of the surface environment and life. It is thought that the rise in oxygen over Earth's history was driven by an increasing availability of the photosynthetic limiting nutrient phosphate combined with declining oxygen-consuming inputs from the mantle and crust. However, it has been difficult to assess whether these processes alone can explain Earth's ...
    Journal Article

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