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Webinar: Schreibprojekte starten, Plagiate verhindern und publizieren

Tipps und Tools für einen produktiven Alltag im Doktorat erhalten Sie in unserem Webinar am 01. Oktober 2024 von 16.00 bis 17.15 Uhr. Weiterlesen

Fit im Forschungsdatenmanagement – Workshop-Reihe im Herbstsemester 2024

Machen Sie sich und Ihr Forschungsprojekt fit mit unserem Workshop-Angebot zum Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement. Ab sofort können Sie sich für die Workshops im Herbstsemester 2024 anmelden. Weiterlesen

Die «RDM Guidelines» für ETH-Forschende kurz und verständlich erklärt

In mehreren Kurzvideos erklären wir Ihnen die wichtigsten Aspekte der «RDM Guidelines» schnell und unkompliziert – für eine gute wissenschaftliche Praxis und FAIRe Daten. Weiterlesen

Neueste Publikationen 

  1. Material Engineering Solutions toward Selective Redox Catalysts for Chemical-Looping-Based Olefin Production Schemes: A Review 

    Oing, Alexander; von Mueller, Elena; Donat, Felix; et al. (2024)
    Energy & Fuels
    Chemical looping (CL) has emerged as a promising approach in the oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of light alkanes, offering an opportunity for significant reductions in emissions and energy consumption in the ethylene and propylene production industry. While high olefin yields are achievable via CL, the material requirements (e.g., electronic and geometric structures) that prevent the total conversion of alkanes to CO x are not clearly ...
    Review Article
  2. Geometry transition in spinfoams 

    Christodoulou, Marios; DAmbrosio, Fabio; Theofilis, Charalampos (2024)
    Classical and Quantum Gravity
    We show how the fixed-spin asymptotics of the EPRL model can be used to perform the spin-sum for spin foam amplitudes defined on fixed two-complexes without interior faces and contracted with coherent spin-network states peaked on a discrete simplicial geometry with macroscopic areas. We work in the representation given in (Han and Krajewski 2014 Class. Quantum Grav. 31 01500). We first rederive the latter in a different way suitable for ...
    Journal Article
  3. Investigation of Irreversible CO<sub>2</sub> Interactions with Clay Minerals for the Passive Regulation of CO<sub>2</sub> in Indoor Environments 

    Arris-Roucan, Sofia; Du, Yi; Brumaud, Coralie; et al. (2024)
    RILEM Bookseries
    While the passive moisture buffering properties of earthen materials are well known, recent studies have explored their potential to improve indoor air quality by buffering indoor pollutants, particularly CO2. Previous research has shown that the material interacts with CO2, but that some of the adsorbed CO2 may not be fully released in a humid environment, which is investigated in this study. To investigate the physico-chemical interactions, ...
    Conference Paper
  4. Enhancing Neural Architecture Search With Multiple Hardware Constraints for Deep Learning Model Deployment on Tiny IoT Devices 

    Burrello, Alessio; Risso, Matteo; Motetti, Beatrice Alessandra; et al. (2024)
    IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing
    The rapid proliferation of computing domains relying on Internet of Things (IoT) devices has created a pressing need for efficient and accurate deep-learning (DL) models that can run on low-power devices. However, traditional DL models tend to be too complex and computationally intensive for typical IoT end-nodes. To address this challenge, Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has emerged as a popular design automation technique for co-optimizing ...
    Journal Article
  5. Functional supraparticles produced by the evaporation of binary colloidal suspensions on superhydrophobic surfaces 

    Shneidman, Anna V.; Zhang, Cathy T. Y.; Mandsberg, Nikolaj K.; et al. (2024)
    Soft Matter
    Hierarchically structured supraparticles can be produced by drying droplets of colloidal suspensions. Using binary suspensions provides degrees of structural and functional control beyond those possible for single components, while remaining tractable for fundamental mechanistic studies. Here, we implement evaporative co-assembly of two distinct particle types - 'large' polystyrene microparticles and 'small' inorganic oxide nanoparticles ...
    Journal Article

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