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Webinar: Schreibprojekte starten, Plagiate verhindern und publizieren

Tipps und Tools für einen produktiven Alltag im Doktorat erhalten Sie in unserem Webinar am 01. Oktober 2024 von 16.00 bis 17.15 Uhr. Weiterlesen

Fit im Forschungsdatenmanagement – Workshop-Reihe im Herbstsemester 2024

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Neueste Publikationen 

  1. A solar rotation signature in cosmic dust: Frequency analysis of dust particle impacts on the Wind spacecraft 

    Baalmann, Lennart Robin; Hunziker, Silvan; Péronne, Arthur; et al. (2024)
    Astronomy & Astrophysics
    Aims: Dust particle impacts on the Wind spacecraft were detected with its plasma wave instrument Wind/WAVES. Frequency analysis on the resulting dust impact time series has revealed spectral peaks indicative of a solar rotation signature. We investigated whether this solar rotation signature is embedded in the interplanetary or in the interstellar dust (ISD) and whether it is caused by co-rotating interaction regions (CIRs), by the sector ...
    Journal Article
  2. Implications of cyber incident reporting obligations on multinational organizations headquartered in Switzerland 

    Ecabert, Thomas; Muhly, Fabian; Zimmermann, Verena (2024)
    International Cybersecurity Law Review
    As the digital landscape evolves, states are increasingly implementing national cyber incident reporting obligations to enhance cyber resilience. This study investigates the implications of these obligations on multinational organizations, focusing on the variability of compliance requirements across jurisdictions and the challenges faced by companies in adhering to these diverse regulations. Through the methodological approach of conducting ...
    Journal Article
  3. Environmental savings from concrete reuse: examining the limitations and optimal practices for cutting thresholds of concrete building components for reuse 

    Xiong, Shuyan; Frossard, Mija; Lasvaux, Sébastien; et al. (2024)
    Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability
    Concrete, a widely used construction material, presents both opportunities and challenges for promoting environmentally responsible practices. This research focuses on the concept of concrete reuse as a sustainable strategy, examining the limitations of cutting dimensions. To investigate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with preparing concrete for reuse, a mathematical model was developed considering several factors, such as ...
    Journal Article
  4. Potential and challenges of depth-resolved three-dimensional MPM simulations: a case study of the 2019 'Salezer' snow avalanche in Davos 

    Kyburz, Michael Lukas; Sovilla, Betty; Bühler, Yves; et al. (2024)
    Annals of Glaciology
    Avalanche modeling is an essential tool to assess snow avalanche hazard. Today, most popular numerical approaches adopt depth-averaged equations. These methods are computationally efficient but limited in capturing processes occurring in the flow depth direction, e.g. erosion or deposition, which are often considered using ad hoc parameterizations or neglected completely. However, processes such as snow erosion, can crucially influence ...
    Journal Article
  5. Physicochemical Changes of Apoferritin Protein during Biodegradation of Magnetic Metal Oxide Nanoparticles 

    Rahimi, Ehsan; Imani, Amin; Kim, Donghoon; et al. (2024)
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
    The biodegradation of therapeutic magnetic-oxide nanoparticles (MONPs) in the human body raises concerns about their lifespan, functionality, and health risks. Interactions between apoferritin proteins and MONPs in the spleen, liver, and inflammatory macrophages significantly accelerate nanoparticle degradation, releasing metal ions taken up by apoferritin. This can alter the protein’s biological structure and properties, potentially ...
    Journal Article

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