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  1. Andreas Manz - Pioneer, Mentor, Friend 

    Pamme, Nicole; Dittrich, Petra S. (2024)
    Lab on a Chip
    Other Journal Item
  2. A Sim-to-Real Deep Learning-Based Framework for Autonomous Nano-Drone Racing (vol 9, pg 1899, 2024) 

    Lamberti, Lorenzo; Cereda, Elia; Abbate, Gabriele; et al. (2024)
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    Other Journal Item
  3. Editorial: Decision making and problem solving in organizations: assessing and expanding the Carnegie perspective 

    Audia, Pino G.; Laureiro Martinez, Daniella; Newark, Daniel A. (2024)
    Frontiers in Psychology
    Other Journal Item
  4. Comment on "Are soils overrated in hydrology?" by Gao et al. (2023) 

    Zhao, Ying; Rahmati, Mehdi; Vereecken, Harry; et al. (2024)
    Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
    This comment challenges the perspective of Gao et al. (2023) that is rejecting the role of soil processes in hydrology. We argue that the authors present a false dichotomy between soil-centric and ecosystem-centric views. These two views of hydrology are complementary and reflect on the inherent multiscale complexity of hydrology where soil processes dominate at certain scales but other processes may become important at the catchment ...
    Other Journal Item
  5. Increasing extreme melt in northeast Greenland linked to foehn winds and atmospheric rivers (vol 14, 1743, 2023) 

    Mattingly, Kyle S.; Turton, Jenny V.; Wille, Jonathan D.; et al. (2024)
    Nature Communications
    Other Journal Item
  6. Grounded in Reality: Integrating Community Values and Priorities of End Users in Human Gene Editing 

    Riggan, Kirsten; Feys, Roel; Kokayi, Assata; et al. (2024)
    The American Journal of Bioethics
    Other Journal Item
  7. Best practices for operando hard X-ray absorption spectroscopy 

    Clark, Adam H.; Schmidt, Thomas J.; Fabbri, Emiliana (2024)
    Nature Sustainability
    A powerful technique with broad applications, operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is widely used but there is a lack of design and reporting standards. Focusing on water-splitting electrocatalysts, we propose best practices for the reproducibility, replicability and reliability of operando XAS studies.
    Other Journal Item
  8. Neuromorphic computing and engineering’s coming of age 

    Forbes, Ian; Indiveri, Giacomo (2024)
    Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering
    Other Journal Item
  9. Hydroponic fodder as alternative feeds for ruminants to reduce ruminal methane emissions: an in vitro study 

    Li, Yang; Peng, Rong; Kunz, Carmen; et al. (2024)
    Journal of Dairy Science
    Malate, a precursor in the ruminal propionate production pathway, competes with methanogenesis for metabolic hydrogen, offering a way to reduce ruminal methane (CH4) production in ruminants. However, cost considerations hinder widespread use of malate in ruminant diets. An alternative approach involves utilizing transient malate levels generated during seed germination via the glyoxylate cycle. This study investigated the methane-mitigating ...
    Other Journal Item
  10. Preface: Special Issue on Probing the Open Ocean With the Research Sailing Yacht Eugen Seibold for Climate Geochemistry 

    Schiebel, Ralf; Aardema, Hedy M.; Calleja, Maria Ll.; et al. (2024)
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
    The 72-foot sailing yacht Eugen Seibold is a new research platform for contamination-free sampling of the water column and atmosphere for biological, chemical, and physical properties, and the exchange processes between the two realms. Ultimate goal of the project is a better understanding of the modern and past ocean and climate. Operations started in 2019 in the Northeast Atlantic, and will focus on the Tropical Eastern Pacific from ...
    Other Journal Item
  11. Responsible carbon dioxide removals and the EU's 2040 climate target 

    Koponen, Kati; Braun, Johanna; Cobo Gutiérrez, Selene; et al. (2024)
    Environmental Research Letters
    Other Journal Item
  12. Safe and Just Earth System Boundaries for Novel Entities 

    Diamond, Miriam L.; Wang, Zhanyun (2024)
    Environmental Science & Technology Letters
    Other Journal Item
  13. A lower bound for the Balan–Jiang matrix problem 

    Bandeira, Afonso S.; Mixon, Dustin G.; Steinerberger, Stefan (2024)
    Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
    We prove the existence of a positive semidefinite matrix A∈Rn×n such that any decomposition into rank-1 matrices has to have factors with a large ℓ1−norm, more precisely ∑kxkxk⁎=A⇒∑k‖xk‖12≥cn‖A‖1, where c is independent of n. This provides a lower bound for the Balan–Jiang matrix problem. The construction is probabilistic.
    Other Journal Item
  14. Digitalizing health trials by the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative 

    Goldhahn, Jörg; Brasier, Noé Karl; Kehoe, Lindsay (2024)
    Nature Reviews Bioengineering
    The Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI) provides recommendations to unlock the full potential of digital health trials, including tools to develop digital biomarkers or endpoints, apply remote technology and interact with health authorities.
    Other Journal Item
  15. Microchip minutiae imaged using rapid X-ray bursts 

    Gorkhover, Tais; Rupp, Daniela (2024)
    As components on a computer chip shrink, their structure becomes ever-more complicated to image. A method that uses bursts of X-rays offers high-resolution, rapid-fire visualization down to single-transistor level.
    Other Journal Item
  16. Plant-based Alternatives in Nutrition - an Analysis of the last 10 Years 

    Ammann, Jeanine; Nuessli Guth, Jeannette; Runte, Maren (2024)
    Agrarforschung Schweiz
    In einer gemeinsamen Studie der ZHAW, ETH Zürich und Agroscope haben wir den Diskurs in den Medien zu pflanzlichen Alternativen in der Schweiz über die letzten zehn Jahre untersucht. Ziel war es, zu ermitteln, welche Argumente für den Konsum von pflanzlichen Alternativen genannt werden, um daraus Schlussfolgerungen für die Produktion ableiten zu können. Die Analyse ergab, dass es im Diskurs zu pflanzlichen Alternativen in der Schweiz einen ...
    Other Journal Item
  17. Editorial: Forest transitions: from restoration to conservation and everything in between 

    Garcia, Claude A.; Waeber, Patrick O. (2024)
    Frontiers in Forests and Global Change
    Other Journal Item
  18. Quinoacridane[4]arenes-Very Large Conformationally Restricted Macrocycles 

    Strassberger, Alexander Felix; Zengaffinen, Michael David; Puigcerver, Julio; et al. (2024)
    Organic Letters
    Phenol-based macrocycles play a fundamental role in supramolecular chemistry, but their size has been rather limited. Here we report a novel class of very large, bowl-shaped macrocycles with a diameter of 21.8 & Aring;. These quinoacridane[4]arenes are 150% larger than the current record holders, the acridane[4]arenes, and three times the size of resorcin[4]arene. We expect the quinoacridane[4]arenes to be a useful platform for the ...
    Other Journal Item
  19. Modeling Forest Response to Climate Change 

    Marano, Gina; Dalmonech, Daniela; Collalti, Alessio (2024)
    Other Journal Item

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