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Webinar: Get your writing project started, prevent plagiarism and publish

Join our webinar on 01 October 2024 from 16.00 to 17.15 for tips and tools for a productive doctorate. Read more

Fit in research data management – workshop series in Autumn Semester 2024

Get yourself and your research project in shape with our research data management workshop programme. You can now register for the Autumn Semester 2024 workshops. Read more

Short and sweet: the “RDM Guidelines” for ETH researches explained

In a series of short videos, we explain the most important aspects of the “RDM Guidelines” quickly and easily – for good scientific practice and FAIR data. Read more

Recently Added 

  1. Estimating Perceived Mental Workload From Eye-Tracking Data Based on Benign Anisocoria 

    Chakraborty, Suvodip; Kiefer, Peter; Raubal, Martin (2024)
    IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
    From the initial phases of human–computer interaction, where the computer was unaware of the users' mental states, we are now progressing toward cognition-aware user interfaces. One crucial cognitive state considered by research on cognition-aware user interfaces is the cognitive load. Eye-tracking has been suggested as one particularly unobtrusive method for estimating cognitive load. Although the accuracy of cognitive load detection has ...
    Journal Article
  2. Predicting vital sign deviations during surgery from patient monitoring data: developing and validating single-stream deep learning models 

    Dubatovka A.; Nöthiger C.B.; Spahn D.R.; et al. (2024)
    British Journal of Anaesthesia
    Other Journal Item
  3. Nutritional vitamin B12 regulates RAS/MAPK-mediated cell fate decisions through one-carbon metabolism 

    Laranjeira, Ana Cristina; Berger, Simon; Kohlbrenner, Tea; et al. (2024)
    Nature Communications
    Vitamin B12 is an essential nutritional co-factor for the folate and methionine cycles, which together constitute one-carbon metabolism. Here, we show that dietary uptake of vitamin B12 modulates cell fate decisions controlled by the conserved RAS/MAPK signaling pathway in C. elegans. A bacterial diet rich in vitamin B12 increases vulval induction, germ cell apoptosis and oocyte differentiation. These effects are mediated by different ...
    Journal Article
  4. Metabolic interdependencies in thermophilic communities are revealed using co-occurrence and complementarity networks 

    Peng, Xi; Wang, Shang; Wang, Miaoxiao; et al. (2024)
    Nature Communications
    Microbial communities exhibit intricate interactions underpinned by metabolic dependencies. To elucidate these dependencies, we present a workflow utilizing random matrix theory on metagenome-assembled genomes to construct co-occurrence and metabolic complementarity networks. We apply this approach to a temperature gradient hot spring, unraveling the interplay between thermal stress and metabolic cooperation. Our analysis reveals an ...
    Journal Article

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