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Webinar: Get your writing project started, prevent plagiarism and publish

Join our webinar on 01 October 2024 from 16.00 to 17.15 for tips and tools for a productive doctorate. Read more

Fit in research data management – workshop series in Autumn Semester 2024

Get yourself and your research project in shape with our research data management workshop programme. You can now register for the Autumn Semester 2024 workshops. Read more

Short and sweet: the “RDM Guidelines” for ETH researches explained

In a series of short videos, we explain the most important aspects of the “RDM Guidelines” quickly and easily – for good scientific practice and FAIR data. Read more

Recently Added 

  1. Iron-Catalyzed Laser-Induced Graphitization - Multiscale Analysis of the Structural Evolution and Underlying Mechanism 

    Dreimol, Christopher H.; Kursteiner, Ronny; Ritter, Maximilian; et al. (2024)
    The transition to sustainable materials and eco-efficient processes in commercial electronics is a driving force in developing green electronics. Iron-catalyzed laser-induced graphitization (IC-LIG) has been demonstrated as a promising approach for rendering biomaterials electrically conductive. To optimize the IC-LIG process and fully exploit its potential for future green electronics, it is crucial to gain deeper insights into its ...
    Journal Article
  2. Centralised rehearsal of decentralised cooperation: Multi-agent reinforcement learning for the scalable coordination of residential energy flexibility 

    Charbonnier, Flora; Peng, Bei; Vienne, Julie; et al. (2024)
    Applied Energy
    This paper investigates the use of deep multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) for the coordination of residential energy flexibility. Particularly, we focus on achieving cooperation between homes in a way that is fully privacy-preserving, scalable, and that allows for the management of distribution network voltage constraints. Previous work demonstrated that MARL-based distributed control can be achieved with no sharing of personal ...
    Journal Article
  3. Internal heating profiles for which downward conduction is impossible 

    Arslan, Ali; Fantuzzi, Giovanni; Craske, John; et al. (2024)
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics
    We consider an internally heated fluid between parallel plates with fixed thermal fluxes. For a large class of heat sources that vary in the direction of gravity, we prove that <delta T >(h)>=sigma R-1/3, where <delta T >(h) is the average temperature difference between the bottom and top plates, RR is a 'flux' Rayleigh number and the constants sigma,mu > 0 depend on the geometric properties of the internal heating. This result implies ...
    Journal Article
  4. Amygdala Reactivity, Antidepressant Discontinuation, and Relapse 

    Erdmann, Tore; Berwian, Isabel M.; Stephan, Klaas Enno; et al. (2024)
    Jama Psychiatry
    Importance:<bold> </bold>Antidepressant discontinuation substantially increases the risk of a depression relapse, but the neurobiological mechanisms through which this happens are not known. Amygdala reactivity to negative information is a marker of negative affective processes in depression that is reduced by antidepressant medication, but it is unknown whether amygdala reactivity is sensitive to antidepressant discontinuation or whether ...
    Journal Article
  5. Charge and Spin Dynamics and Destabilization of Shallow Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers under UV and Blue Excitation 

    Volker, Laura A.; Herb, Konstantin; Merchant, Darin A.; et al. (2024)
    Nano Letters
    Shallow nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond offer opportunities to study photochemical reactions, including photogeneration of radical pairs, at the single-molecule regime. A prerequisite is a detailed understanding of charge and spin dynamics of NVs exposed to the short-wavelength light required to excite chemical species. Here, we investigate the charge and spin dynamics of shallow NVs under 445 and 375 nm illumination. With blue ...
    Journal Article

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