Recent Submissions 

  1. Markov Modelling of Soccer Matches and Learning of Game States' Potential 

    Fabrègues, Hugo (2024)
    In soccer, the modelling of the game as a Markov process became natural due to the sequential nature of the sport: the game transitions from a situation to another. This modelling enable to get a better understanding of aspects of interest of the game. In particular, it creates a framework for assessing the likelihood of a team to score (and to concede) within the near future given the current state of the game. The difference between the ...
    Master Thesis
  2. SFGNets: Machine Learning tools for SuperFGD Neutrino detector 

    Aubin, Mayeul (2024)
    Image processing techniques powered by Machine Learning are revolutionizing the field of data analysis from particle physics detectors, as they allow powerful methods developed jointly in academia and in the industry to disentangle the complex data that detectors observe. Superimposed tracks of multiple particles, with cross-talk and noise, lead to intricacies that traditional methods such as likelihood-based Bayesian approaches can fail ...
    Master Thesis
  3. The impact of geological boundaries and tunnels in large scale hydrogeological modelling: A case study from the Pizzo Rotondo area 

    Attinger, Florian (2024)
    Understanding the groundwater system in the region around the Pizzo Rotondo is important for the geothermal, seismic and geobiological research done by ETH Zurich in the “Bedretto Under- ground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies” (BULGG) which is located in the Bedretto tunnel below the Pizzo Rotondo. For this reason, a large-scale hydrogeological model was created for the region around the Pizzo Rotondo. A conceptual model ...
    Master Thesis
  4. PD-NJ-ODE for Predictions in Convex Spaces 

    Andersson, William (2024)
    In this thesis we provide extensions to the PD-NJ-ODE model of Krach et al. (2022) to explore ways to improve performance when predicting stochastic processes that take values in a convex set Q. We are particularly interested in finding ways to guarantee that the model’s output lies in the same space. To this end, we provide three techniques that build on the PD-NJ-ODE framework and prove that they converge to the optimal prediction. We ...
    Master Thesis
  5. Optimistic Verifiable Secret Sharing 

    Marsicano, Emanuele (2024)
    Master Thesis
  6. Predator-Prey Behaviour of Storm Tracks 

    Federer, Marc (2021)
    Extratropical cyclones are the dominant drivers of weather variability in the mid-latitude winter. Patterns of variability of the North Atlantic storm track, such as the serial clus- tering of wind storms, can have large socioeconomic impacts and cause substantial losses. A two-dimensional predator-prey model, which heuristically describes the interaction of local baroclinicity and heat flux in storm tracks, is extended in order to account ...
    Master Thesis
  7. Transitioning towards a Circular (Bio)economy – An Analysis of the Barriers and Potentials for an enhanced Cascade Use of Wood in Switzerland 

    Tippmann, Valentin (2024)
    Biomass and wood in particular are becoming increasingly important as a substitute for fossil materials in the endeavor of decarbonizing the economy to mitigate climate change. As the demand for natural resources grows, their applications diversify and the supply will, induced by climate change, fluctuate, the need for resource-efficient wood utilization becomes increas-ingly crucial. Resource efficiency could be achieved by fostering a ...
    Master Thesis
  8. Snitch Scale-Out on Amazon F1 Instances 

    Benz, Thomas (2020)
    High performance computing systems provide the computational power required by many modern applications especially in the field of machine learning and big data. Simulating such large systems on the register-transfer level is essential to verify their correctness, but becomes increasingly more difficult with increasing size. We propose a FPGA-based alternative centered around an ecosystem of applications providing the necessary observability ...
    Master Thesis
  9. Acceptance of the Reduction of Public Parking Space in Urban Residential Areas 

    Buring, Simon (2024)
    Streets cover large parts of a city and are important public spaces. Although their design should aim at the well-being of all inhabitants, car drivers continue to be prioritised at the expense of other groups of the population. To promote more sustainable transportation and enhance urban quality of life, it is essential to reallocate street space to alternative modes of transportation and infrastructure. While scientists are unanimous ...
    Master Thesis
  10. Socio-Economic Impact Anomalies of River Flood According to El Niño Southern Oscillation in East Australia 

    Kazmi, Imran (2024)
    River floods are among the most frequent natural disasters, causing significant damages. Due to climate change and socio-economic development, river flood impact risk is projected to increase in the future. The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Earth’s prominent inter-annual climate variability, seems to influence the risk of socio-economic river flood impacts. This thesis uses a new river flood model to confirm the links that ...
    Master Thesis
  11. Assessment and Comparison of Tropical Cyclone Surge Models and Estimated Impacts in CLIMADA 

    Kobler, Eliane (2024)
    Tropical cyclones and their storm surges pose significant threats to coastal regions, exacerbated by climate change and population growth. The Weather4UN project of the Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss aims to enhance anticipatory action through impact-based forecasting. This study assesses storm surge models’ suitability for the project using the open-source risk assessment model CLIMADA. Comparing CLIMADA’s ...
    Master Thesis
  12. Deep Ritz with IgANets in H(curl) and Its Trace Spaces 

    Backmeyer, Merle (2024)
    This thesis explores IgANets, a hybrid approach combining isogeometric analysis with deep operator networks, to solve electromagnetic problems efficiently. The neural network takes a computer-aided design (CAD) representation as input and predicts the electromagnetic field in a de Rham-conforming B-spline basis, such that, for example, the tangential continuity of the electric field is respected. The physical problem is embedded in the ...
    Master Thesis
  13. From Stakeholder Engagement to Inclusivity: Advancing Participatory Modeling for Net-Zero Sustainable Development 

    Herbig, Victoria (2024)
    In the context of climate action and sustainable development, Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) are crucial in policy-making, yet their potential is often constrained by methodologies that emphasize technical accuracy over inclusivity. This research redefines participatory modeling within the context of the DIAMOND project, funded by the Horizon Europe framework (2022-2026), to explore how participatory and transdisciplinary approaches ...
    Master Thesis
  14. Fast and Simple Sorting Using Partial Information 

    Hladík, Richard (2024)
    We consider the problem of sorting n totally ordered items by doing binary comparisons, given a list of m comparisons that have already been performed. This problem has been called sorting under partial information, and it has been intensely studied since 1976. We propose a simple algorithm that solves this problem in O(log T) comparisons and O(log T + n + m) time, where T is the number of total orders consistent with the pre-existing ...
    Master Thesis
  15. Exploring factors influencing public acceptance of 30 km/h zones in a Swiss agglomeration town 

    Widmer, Austin (2024)
    30 km/h zones are increasingly being introduced worldwide. As a traffic calming measure, their main goals are increasing road safety and improving the local quality of stay. Despite the academic consensus on the policy’s benefits, implementations often face resistance from the public. Based on the analysis of a survey on public acceptance of 30 km/h zones (including a choice-based conjoint experiment), this Master’s thesis examines how ...
    Master Thesis
  16. Spatial Subdivision for Path Guiding 

    Zheng, Fengshi (2024)
    Master Thesis
  17. Outlier-Robust Mean Estimation near the Breakdown Point via Sum-of-Squares 

    Sridharan, Deepak Narayanan (2024)
    Master Thesis

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