Neueste Zugänge 

  1. Interpreting and Understanding Latent Spaces 

    Svete, Anej (2022)
    A common strategy to investigate the global structure of a representation space is to consider which human-interpretable concepts are aligned with its axes. However, a well-known result states that assuming axis alignment of interpretable concepts is not suitable. Moreover, many quantities of interest are inherently multi-dimensional (for example, colour), meaning they cannot be represented in a one-dimensional linear subspace. To enable ...
    Master Thesis
  2. On the Lovasz ϑ number for random circulant graphs 

    Faure, Ulysse (2024)
    We study the behavior of the Lovász $\vartheta$ function as a random variable on a certain graph ensemble $\mathcal{G}_\text{circ}$, the set of circulant graphs with uniform measure. The $\vartheta$ function is defined in general as the solution to a semidefinite program with constraints depending on the adjacency matrix of the graph, and can be reduced for circulant graphs to a linear program. While the median of $\vartheta$ is trivially ...
    Master Thesis
  3. Cavity-based spin-sensitive detection of few atoms in a 87Rb BEC 

    Montalti, Nicolò (2024)
    Master Thesis
  4. Analysis of rapid and discontinuous ice flow of Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland 

    Henz, Andreas (2023)
    The massive and accelerating mass loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet can be investigated at numerous outflow glaciers. One of these marine-terminating outflow glaciers is Jakobshavn Isbræ. Jakobshavn Isbræ has received special attention from the scientific community in recent years because of its substantial mass loss and prominent velocity variability, which raises many questions about its response to a warming climate. To understand this ...
    Master Thesis
  5. Key Factors Enabling a Participatory Transition Towards a Biocity 

    Camichel, Alanis (2024)
    In parallel to the triple crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and human health emergencies, humanity is faced with the challenge of rapid urbanization. Since cities are considerable rs of the triple crisis it is crucial to transition to sustainable cities as quickly as possible. Therefore, the European Forest Institute launched a research project on the concept of Biocities which presents a holistic vision of what a sustainable ...
    Master Thesis
  6. "Du bist mit allem verbunden" - Praxisbeispiele und Narrative des Wandels für eine transformative Schweizer Agrarökologie 

    Bossard, Nicolá (2024)
    Verschiedenste wechselwirkende soziale und ökologische Krisen erfordern ein rasches und fundamentales Umdenken im Ernährungssystem. Die Agrarökologie ist ein vielversprechendes Framework für diese Transformation. Diese Arbeit untersuchte eine transformative Schweizer Agrarökologie mittels qualitativer Forschung in vier Schritten unter der Perspektive der Theorie der transformativen sozialen Innovation sowie der Resonanztheorie. Das Ziel ...
    Master Thesis
  7. Drivers and constraints in adopting dynamic agroforestry among cocoa smallholders in Ghana 

    Heim, Cyril (2024)
    The ongoing deforestation in Ghana, partially driven by cocoa plantation expansion and other land use changes, adversely impacts biodiversity, soil erosion, and climate resilience. Dynamic agroforestry (DAF), characterized by the integration of shade trees alongside crops like cocoa trying to mimic the natural succession of a forest, represents a promising solution for transitioning towards a sustainable agroecological system. However, ...
    Master Thesis
  8. Design and Implementation of an extensible Orbit Determination and Propagation Pipeline for the ARIS SAGE CubeSat 

    Wicki, Juliette (2024)
    The mission called Swiss Artificial Gravity Experiment (SAGE) at Akademische Raumfahrt Initia- tive Schweiz (ARIS) focuses on developing and operating a CubeSat to examine the aging of human cells in microgravity conditions. This thesis establishes a foundation for orbit determination and propagation at SAGE, successfully developing a pipeline that utilizes NAVSOL data collected by the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite. Built on the Bernese ...
    Master Thesis
  9. Markov Modelling of Soccer Matches and Learning of Game States' Potential 

    Fabrègues, Hugo (2024)
    In soccer, the modelling of the game as a Markov process became natural due to the sequential nature of the sport: the game transitions from a situation to another. This modelling enable to get a better understanding of aspects of interest of the game. In particular, it creates a framework for assessing the likelihood of a team to score (and to concede) within the near future given the current state of the game. The difference between the ...
    Master Thesis
  10. SFGNets: Machine Learning Tools for SuperFGD Neutrino Detector 

    Aubin, Mayeul (2024)
    Image processing techniques powered by Machine Learning are revolutionizing the field of data analysis from particle physics detectors, as they allow powerful methods developed jointly in academia and in the industry to disentangle the complex data that detectors observe. Superimposed tracks of multiple particles, with cross-talk and noise, lead to intricacies that traditional methods such as likelihood-based Bayesian approaches can fail ...
    Master Thesis
  11. The impact of geological boundaries and tunnels in large scale hydrogeological modelling: A case study from the Pizzo Rotondo area 

    Attinger, Florian (2024)
    Understanding the groundwater system in the region around the Pizzo Rotondo is important for the geothermal, seismic and geobiological research done by ETH Zurich in the “Bedretto Under- ground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies” (BULGG) which is located in the Bedretto tunnel below the Pizzo Rotondo. For this reason, a large-scale hydrogeological model was created for the region around the Pizzo Rotondo. A conceptual model ...
    Master Thesis
  12. PD-NJ-ODE for Predictions in Convex Spaces 

    Andersson, William (2024)
    In this thesis we provide extensions to the PD-NJ-ODE model of Krach et al. (2022) to explore ways to improve performance when predicting stochastic processes that take values in a convex set Q. We are particularly interested in finding ways to guarantee that the model’s output lies in the same space. To this end, we provide three techniques that build on the PD-NJ-ODE framework and prove that they converge to the optimal prediction. We ...
    Master Thesis
  13. Optimistic Verifiable Secret Sharing 

    Marsicano, Emanuele (2024)
    Master Thesis
  14. Predator-Prey Behaviour of Storm Tracks 

    Federer, Marc (2021)
    Extratropical cyclones are the dominant drivers of weather variability in the mid-latitude winter. Patterns of variability of the North Atlantic storm track, such as the serial clus- tering of wind storms, can have large socioeconomic impacts and cause substantial losses. A two-dimensional predator-prey model, which heuristically describes the interaction of local baroclinicity and heat flux in storm tracks, is extended in order to account ...
    Master Thesis
  15. Transitioning towards a Circular (Bio)economy – An Analysis of the Barriers and Potentials for an enhanced Cascade Use of Wood in Switzerland 

    Tippmann, Valentin (2024)
    Biomass and wood in particular are becoming increasingly important as a substitute for fossil materials in the endeavor of decarbonizing the economy to mitigate climate change. As the demand for natural resources grows, their applications diversify and the supply will, induced by climate change, fluctuate, the need for resource-efficient wood utilization becomes increas-ingly crucial. Resource efficiency could be achieved by fostering a ...
    Master Thesis
  16. Snitch Scale-Out on Amazon F1 Instances 

    Benz, Thomas (2020)
    High performance computing systems provide the computational power required by many modern applications especially in the field of machine learning and big data. Simulating such large systems on the register-transfer level is essential to verify their correctness, but becomes increasingly more difficult with increasing size. We propose a FPGA-based alternative centered around an ecosystem of applications providing the necessary observability ...
    Master Thesis

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