Generative VoxelNet: Learning Energy-Based Models for 3D Shape Synthesis and Analysis
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3D data that contains rich geometry information of objects and scenes is valuable for understanding 3D physical world. With the recent emergence of large-scale 3D datasets, it becomes increasingly crucial to have a powerful 3D generative model for 3D shape synthesis and analysis. This paper proposes a deep 3D energy-based model to represent volumetric shapes. The maximum likelihood training of the model follows an 'analysis by synthesis' scheme. The benefits of the proposed model are six-fold: first, unlike GANs and VAEs, the model training does not rely on any auxiliary models; second, the model can synthesize realistic 3D shapes by Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC); third, the conditional model can be applied to 3D object recovery and super resolution; fourth, the model can serve as a building block in a multi-grid modeling and sampling framework for high resolution 3D shape synthesis; fifth, the model can be used to train a 3D generator via MCMC teaching; sixth, the unsupervisedly trained model provides a powerful feature extractor for 3D data, which is useful for 3D object classification. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed model can generate high-quality 3D shape patterns and can be useful for a wide variety of 3D shape analysis. Show more
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IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligenceVolume
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Deep generative models; energy-based models; Langevin dynamics; volumetric shape synthesis; generative VoxelNet; coop-erative learning; multi-grid samplingMore
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