We study kinetic magnetism for the Fermi-Hubbard models in triangular type lattices, including a zigzag ladder, four- and six-legged triangular cylinders and a full two-dimensional triangular lattice. We focus on the regime of strong interactions, U≫t and filling factors around one electron per site. For temperatures well above the hopping strength, the Curie-Weiss form of the magnetic susceptibility suggests effective antiferromagnetic correlations for systems that are hole doped with respect to ν=1, and ferromagnetic correlations for systems with electron dopings. We show that these correlations arise from magnetic polaron dressing of charge carrier propagating in a spin incoherent Mott insulator. Effective interactions corresponding to these correlations can strongly exceed the magnetic super-exchange energy. In the case of hole doping, antiferromagnetic polarons originate from kinetic frustration of individual holes in a triangular lattice. In the case of electron doping, Nagaoka type ferromagnetic correlations are induced by propagating doublons. These results provide a theoretical explanation of recent experimental results in moire TMDC materials. To understand many-body states arising from antiferromagentic polarons at low temperatures, we study hole doped systems in finite magnetic fields. At low dopings and intermediate magnetic fields we find a magnetic polaron phase, separated from the fully polarized state by a metamagnetic transition. With decreasing magnetic field the system shows a tendency to phase separate, with hole rich regions forming antiferromagnetic spinbags. We demonstrate that direct observations of magnetic polarons in triangular lattices can be achieved in experiments with ultracold atoms, which allow measurements of three point hole-spin-spin correlations. Show more
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https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000615225Publication status
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Physical Review ResearchVolume
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American Physical SocietyOrganisational unit
03636 - Imamoglu, Atac / Imamoglu, Atac
09753 - Demler, Eugene / Demler, Eugene
204076 - Strongly correlated electrons in van der Waals heterostructures: an optical investigation (SNF)
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