Lower-level publication types

Recent Submissions 

  1. Multi-Karma Economies 

    Oberlin, Patrick (2024)
    Limited public resources include fast lanes on highways, parking spots at high-interest locations near a city center, and access to EV charging stations during peak hours. Elokda et al. proposed karma economies as a non-monetary approach to an effective allocation of such resources and demonstrated an improvement of discomfort cost for all participants with respect to classic solutions. However, so far only single-resource economies ...
    Student Paper
  2. Christine Globig (2021) Realities of Dependence. Care as an ethical paradigm 

    Chilian, Lea; Horvath, Tabea (2024)
    Ethik in der Medizin
    Book Review
  3. Integrating FPGA-Based Signal Generation Hardware into Experiment Control System 

    Bugnon, Cédric; Lazzaroni, Lorenzo (2024)
    Student Paper
  4. The Establishment of an Absorbent Hygiene Product Waste Collection System in Two Informal Settlements in South Africa 

    Huber, Dominik (2024)
    Absorbent hygiene products (AHPs), including nappies, sanitary pads, and tampons, have become essential personal hygiene products. In South Africa, most AHP waste is landfilled, however in informal settlements, where waste collection is insufficient, they are frequently dumped within the open environment. The purpose of this study is assess the feasibility of an AHP waste collection system within two informal settlements, Johanna Road and ...
    Student Paper
  5. Time to Make ‘Peace’ with the Bandits 

    Wiehler, Claudia; Malefakis, Medinat (2024)
    CSS Policy Perspectives
    Banditry in northern Nigeria continues unchecked. Interventions should prioritize the protection of civilians and combine dialogue, economic infrastructure, and enforcement.
    Other Publication
  6. Scattering, inelastic: Electron 

    Vvedensky, Dimitri D.; Erbudak, Mehmet (2024)
    Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics
    An interaction event between an electron and a target material is called inelastic if the electron loses some or all of its energy. The general theory of the inelastic scattering cross-section is first developed before being specialized to interband transitions, plasmon excitations, vibrations at surfaces, core-electron excitations, and (e−, 2e−) scattering. Examples are provided to illustrate how the elementary excitations of each method ...
    Encyclopedia Entry
  7. La coopération entre l’Europe et l’Indopacifique 

    Grgić, Gorana (2024)
    CSS Analyses in Security Policy
    Cette analyse de l’évolution de la coopération entre l’Europe et les partenaires de la région indopacifique dans le domaine de la sécurité passe en revue les principaux moteurs de la coopération et les différents types de relations entre les acteurs. Des questions cruciales subsistent quant à l’adhésion à ces ambitions et aux avantages que toutes les parties concernées peuvent en retirer.
    Other Publication
  8. Graphentheorie 

    Brandes, Ulrik (2024)
    Netzwerkforschung ~ Handbuch Netzwerkforschung
    Durch die Repräsentation von Netzwerkdaten als Graphen wird eine Vielzahl mathematischer Einsichten und Methoden erschlossen. In diesem Beitrag werden grundlegende Konzepte und Begrifflichkeiten vorgestellt und durch Überlegungen zur Modellierung kontextualisiert.
    Encyclopedia Entry
  9. Europäische Sicherheitskooperation mit dem Indopazifik 

    Grgić, Gorana (2024)
    CSS Analysen zur Sicherheitspolitik
    Diese Untersuchung der europäischen Sicherheitskooperation mit indopazifischen Partnern umfasst eine Diskussion der Haupttreiber der Kooperation und der verschiedenen Arten von Beziehungen zwischen den Akteuren. Es stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit alle Beteiligten diese ehrgeizigen Ziele unterstützen und davon profitieren.
    Other Publication
  10. Steigende nukleare Gefährdung und Agenda der Risikominderung 

    Schepers, Névine (2024)
    CSS Analysen zur Sicherheitspolitik
    Während das Sicherheitsumfeld von wachsendem nuklearem Wettbewerb und Drohungen geprägt ist, erscheint die nukleare Risikominderung als vielversprechende Strategie zur Entschärfung der atomaren Gefahren. Konkrete Massnahmen bleiben jedoch wegen unterschiedlicher Risikoeinschätzungen, der Verflechtung von konventionellen und strategischen Risiken und ihrer manipulativen Nutzung als Konfliktinstrument schwer umsetzbar.
    Other Publication
  11. European Security Cooperation with the Indo-Pacific 

    Grgić, Gorana (2024)
    CSS Analyses in Security Policy
    This examination of the evolving landscape of European security cooperation with Indo-Pacific partners includes a discussion of the key drivers of cooperation and the different types of relations between actors. Critical questions remain about the buy-in and benefit of these ambitions for all involved.
    Other Publication
  12. Risques nucléaires et mesures de réduction 

    Schepers, Névine (2024)
    Politique de sécurité: analyses du CSS
    La réduction des risques nucléaires apparaît comme une stratégie prometteuse pour atténuer les dangers liés aux armes nucléaires. Cependant, les différentes perceptions de la situation, l’interconnexion entre les risques conventionnels et stratégiques et leur instrumentalisation dans le cadre de certains conflits compliquent la mise en œuvre de mesures concrètes.
    Other Publication
  13. Lively cities: a review in the minor key 

    Bathla, Nitin (2024)
    Urban Geography
    Book Review
  14. Lively Cities – an intricate understanding of urban life 

    Just, Johanna Franziska (2024)
    Urban Geography
    Book Review
  15. Heightened Nuclear Risks and the Risk Reduction Agenda 

    Schepers, Névine (2024)
    CSS Analyses in Security Policy
    Nuclear risk reduction has emerged as a promising strategy to mitigate the risks posed by nuclear weapons in a security environment marked by increasing nuclear competition and threats. Concrete measures remain difficult to implement, however, given different understandings of risk, the interconnectedness of conventional and strategic risks, and the manipulation of risks as a conflict tool.
    Other Publication
  16. How will the railway look like in 2050? 

    Nold, Michael; Corman, Francesco (2024)
    NSL Newsletter
    Many aspects contribute to the further development of the technologies, but no single game changer could be identified. Developments are expected in automation; revolutionary changes are perceived as unlikely.
    Other Publication
  17. Envisioning a cycling-centric future 

    Ni, Ying-Chuan; Kouvelas, Anastasios (2024)
    NSL Newsletter
    Allocating dedicated road space to slow modes is considered an effective way toward a radical modal shift. By exploiting traffic flow theoretical knowledge, convenient models can be developed to help evaluate the influence of such a large-scale transformation on network traffic performance. Novel strategies for bi-modal urban traffic management can also be proposed to solve congestion.
    Other Publication

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